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Bad Omens Comics

Collection of my Bad Omen's story

2016 - 2019

Collection of Bad Omens comic done over a few classes. 

Pages 1 - 12 First set made for Media and Tech class where we changed media throughout the comic. Pages 1 - 3 were done in scratch board, Pages 4 - 6 is done in ink & nib. Pages 7 - 9 is done in Ink & brush. Pages 10 & 11(two page spread) is done in watercolor. And the cover is done in gauche. 

The next set (13 - 21) was done in Vis 2 where we reworked the same story multiple times up to tight roughs. This story is a prequel to the main Bad Omens story.

The last two pages are the lead in comic for my senior project, which is followed up by the Bad Omens Sculpt.

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